• June 7, 2018 at 5:06 pm #47855
    Robyn WelshRobyn Welsh

    Hi Tina,


    That was my pleasure.  Believe it or not, I’ve never actually taken a book with me when I’ve gone to a cafe.  I’m generally either dashing in and out, or meeting someone for a catch up or jotting down a few ideas etc. But I’ve never taken the time to catch up on reading as such.  This is going to be my new habit-changer;  that and taking with me printouts of my short story drafts for some red-pen hard editing.




    June 15, 2018 at 5:12 am #48357
    Kathy SwailesKathy Swailes

    GoodReads is a site that is open to posting reviews, regardless of the format that you’ve purchased — indeed, even if you haven’t purchased the book, but rather have been given a manuscript to review. Once you’ve set up an account on GoodReads, it’s up to you how private or public you are with your profile, but any reviews you write are entirely open.

    June 22, 2018 at 3:27 pm #48737
    Robyn WelshRobyn Welsh


    Hi Kathy,  I missed your post on this so my apologies for a late acknowledgement.  This is really helpful.

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