• February 12, 2018 at 1:05 pm #41065
    Contact NZIBSContact NZIBS

    My daughter and I go to the library every few weeks to refresh our reading material, i’ve always noticed the magazine section but never ventured in there and assumed they were in-library reading material.

    Yesterday I decided to have a better look and was very impressed with the variety of not only generic magazines with travel sections but also specific travel related magazines.  It turns out you can check magazines out for two weeks at a time, which is plenty enough to be able to read through and get a feel for the magazines style without having to purchase a load in one hit.

    Hope this helps anyone like me who had no idea about the library magazines 🙂

    February 28, 2018 at 6:09 pm #42306
    Srujana SamalaSrujana Samala

    Ah good to know !

    Are there any particular travel magazines you would like to recommend Lynda?

    I will try to check out a local library this weekend

    March 1, 2018 at 11:43 am #42332
    Contact NZIBSContact NZIBS

    I got value from the New Zealand Outdoor Magazine, NZ today and New Zealand Geographic. I also checked out the travel sections in magazines like The Listener and North and South.

    Also, I was speaking to a librarian the other evening and she made mention that you can also check out magazines via e-reader. I didn’t have time to get the full details, but that could be even more convenient. 🙂

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