• February 28, 2018 at 1:32 pm #42285
    Kathy SwailesKathy Swailes

    Hi all, I’m not a journalist, but rather a graduate from the Proofreading and Editing course. But I thought to share this with the journalism students…. Often I’m told by people how ‘appalled’ they are by the number of typos in news media, especially the online news items — my response is that the ‘just-in-time’ nature of news makes it difficult to really proofread adequately, so people shouldn’t be too hard on journalists (truly, I’m on your side). Additionally, none of us are perfect, and everyone has typos and other mistakes in their work. However, some mistakes are more painful than others and when writing on a sensitive subject (death, family, religion, or a mixture thereof) I believe you should be more careful than ever. The following correction was issued in the press illustrating this point. I copied and pasted this item from Twitter where it’s making the rounds, with many angry comments being made. If you don’t understand why this is upsetting, please be aware that sitting shiva is the formal Jewish process of grieving.

    February 28, 2018 at 2:44 pm #42289
    Contact NZIBSContact NZIBS

    Yes, some follow up and double checking the facts would have greatly paid off here.

    I start the proofreading and editing course after the completion of my travel writing course and am really looking forward to it. 🙂

    February 28, 2018 at 4:05 pm #42296
    Kathy SwailesKathy Swailes

    Good for you, Lynda. Whether you want to be a journalist or an editor or proofreader, the combination of the two courses will definitely make you better at your chosen career. Alternatively, if doing the courses just for pleasure, I can definitely say the PAE course is fun and interesting.

    February 28, 2018 at 6:04 pm #42304
    Srujana SamalaSrujana Samala

    Nice one Kathy!

    Thanks for sharing ??

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