• August 25, 2016 at 11:52 pm #7890
    Brian MorrisBrian Morris

    I needed a whole new website urgently. So I went to Vistaprint.co.nz

    I reckoned I should knock it out in 30 minutes using templates. It took me 90 minutes!

    But in my defence I had to devise colour schemes, search and find several (royalty-free) suitable photos, think about and write the blurbs which explained what the site was about, start a BLOG and create three postings.

    Anyway, I got it up.

    Then I organised three promo advertisements which are designed to drive traffic to my new website.

    I was amazed to see 23 people had clicked on my site before I’d finished writing the third post to my new blog. That was 23 out of 75 people in my reached target audience. That’s 33% take-up which is  a very high engagement rate. Click through rate CTR is costing me 10c each.

    My first month on the Vistaprint website is free. Each month thereafter will cost me $25.

    This is a short term website, so I expect to take it down after 1-2-3 months. Total cost under $100. Job done.

    If you need to know more about setting up a website and starting an Internet business, look under COURSES for “Internet Entrepreneur”.


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