• March 11, 2017 at 12:37 pm #18128
    Brian MorrisBrian Morris

    As a boy I read SHE by H Rider Haggard, because I had enjoyed KING SOLOMON’S MINES.

    (Maybe I thought SHE would be about girls? It wasn’t.)

    The one word title didn’t give me enough information.

    Today I came across this 17 word book title.

    ‘I Used To Think I Was Not That Bad And Then I Got To Know Me Better’. By Dorothy Rosby.

    I’ve read three chapters and – lo- I’m enjoying it. Search for it on Amazon.com

    Lesson 1. Don’t let people unqualified-to-advise put you off having a long book title, IF YOU NEED IT.

    Why would you need it? Simple. The title should give a strong hint of WHAT THE BOOK IS ABOUT.

    QUIZ: What are these three books about?

    1. Dune

    2. Yes

    3. Shackleton


    OK, lots of people know Dune is sci-fi plus philosophy etc. But the title gives no hint to the newby or the boy or girl wandering along the library shelves.

    Yes also gives no hint that Joan Rosier-Jones went to Ireland to discover her family heritage.

    Shackleton might be about that explorer chappie. Or is it about John Shackleton, the celebrity speaker. Or Leonard Shackleton? Or Derek Shackleton? Both modestly famous sportsmen.

    Lesson 2. If you want potential readers to choose YOUR BOOK give them enough information.


    How to potty train your puppy

    I’ve studied the art and science of writing HOW TO books. Their titles leave nothing to chance. ‘How To Potty Train Your Puppy’ is a popular seller because it tells the reader EXACTLY what the title says. No mystery.

    THINK about your title. But stay with your ‘working title’ until your book is finished. By then a great title will have jumped off the page at you.

    March 16, 2017 at 8:14 am #18651
    Tina ShawTina Shaw

    Course, a one-word title is also very catchy – and hopefully will entice the reader to check out the blurb!

    March 20, 2017 at 6:49 pm #18956
    Robyn WelshRobyn Welsh

    This is really interesting.  A rough working title keeps the theme uppermost in your mind, says me who is only just finishing her rather long first short story !?!

    May 11, 2017 at 12:14 pm #25103
    Contact NZIBSContact NZIBS

    …and my title ‘The Girl Who Was Buried in Her Ball Gown,’ could hardly qualify as a one word title lol! I think it will work, I hope it will work… it’s in its litmus testing stage, right now! Eeekk! Help!

    May 11, 2017 at 5:41 pm #25144
    Tina ShawTina Shaw

    I’m sure it will work, Ian! And long titles are also cool – a story in a title.

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