• January 22, 2019 at 4:46 pm #56639
    Abi KnaufAbi Knauf


    I have a few questions relating to assignment 9. I have just changed to a new school and have been so busy re organizing my teacher life whilst juggling a now very demanding four-year-old. I feel like I have fallen off the bandwagon and really struggling to get my motivation back.

    Any help on the following questions would be absolutely appreciated!

    1. Assignment 9 had page 3 twice and then page 4 twice. Was this an intentional error to be marked? Or a admin error to be ignored?

    2. When marking up a table is it okay to mark up from both the left and right margin?

    3. I cannot understand the P<.005 kind of symbols, so won’t be marking anything up unless I notice some kind of inconsistency.


    Thank you again!

    January 24, 2019 at 10:44 am #56738
    Dick WardDick Ward

    Hi Abi,

    Congratulations on the new job. The repeat of pages 3 and 4 is an admin error and should be ignored.

    The use of left and right margins for tables is the same as for any other text. It’s OK if there is room and it is appropriate. It’s fine to use both margins for the assignment.

    re point 3, correct. Simply look for any inconsistency, such as a missing <.

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