• March 27, 2023 at 8:24 pm #88053
    Hollie BondHollie Bond

    Hello all!

    I have a question about assignment 3. I loved the tutorial, and have multiple picture book ideas. My ‘problem’ is, I keep resorting to rhyme, and some repeating sentences for rhythm (with a very simple story concept).

    The tutorial mentions that it’s best to avoid rhyming poetry. I read picture books often to my daughter, and we just really love the ones with a little rhyme and a good rhythm. It feels like I’m not being authentic when I’m trying to tick all the assignment boxes on this one.

    Has anyone submitted a picture book with rhyme?

    Should I pause on my ideas for now, and start fresh with something a bit more complex (and no rhyme)?

    Thank you!



    March 29, 2023 at 11:36 am #88088
    Hollie BondHollie Bond

    Update: I have changed direction, and I’m very pleased with my new style! Even though I do still have to stop myself rhyming every now and then…


    April 11, 2023 at 2:28 pm #88416
    April FitzjohnApril Fitzjohn

    Holly, I had exactly the same dilemma during Assignment 3! In the end I submitted something non rhyming but still have the rhyming couplets about our pet pig that I would like to fine tune and have published one day!

    I agree with you; children love rhyme (sadly they hear too few these days!)

    Good luck with the course – it gets better and better!


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