Buzzwords to Banish   (Back to Table of Contents)

Buzzword/Catchphrase Meaning/Alternative Wording
eight-hundred-pound gorilla largest or most important item, feature, person, etc.
actionable can be readily done (actionable has a different, specific legal meaning)
Band-Aid temporary fix
bandwidth capacity
bring to the table have to offer
bring x along include, persuade
buy in (verb), buy-in (noun) cooperate, cooperation; agree, agreement; consent
create energy around promote
deliverable a promised product or item
dialogue (verb) talk with, speak to, discuss
dog and pony show presentation
driver agent of change
end-to-end complete, comprehensive
enterprise business, company
facilitate help, make possible
from day one from the start
functionality functions, features
gain traction gain influence or popularity
get a handle on understand
going forward in the future, from now on
granular detailed
grow (a business, etc.) enlarge, enhance, expand
hired gun expert, consultant
incent, incentivize encourage, influence
intellectual capital knowledge
leverage use an existing resource for another purpose
mission-critical vital
net-net final result
no-brainer easy decision
offline in private
on board hired, committed to
on the same page understand or talk about the same thing
paradigm shift change in approach or thinking
push back (verb), pushback (noun) resist, resistance
push the envelope test the limits
ramp up/ramp down increase/decrease
robust reliable, works well
run it up the flagpole test it for approval
scalable flexible, expandable
solution product or service
space niche or market segment
step up to the plate take responsibility
talking point subject for discussion
turnkey ready to operate
win-win mutually beneficial
work-around way to circumvent to a problem